Thursday 15 January 2015

Come Play With... Haters (Wonder why I don't want to live in a shared house anymore?/Why I couldn't wait to leave Manchester? This was written a year ago and those mentioned have since been deleted from my life).

The one thing I love about haters, is the fact that despite their incredibly busy schedules, they still manage to find the time to read my blog posts and either slag me off or complain to me about it. Well frankly I could not give a single fuck of what your opinion may be about me or what I write. Because at least I've got the fucking balls to say how I feel, and leave myself open to discussion.

The one thing I hated about school, was the politics, and the strangest thing is, at Mortimer Comprehensive, I found at least, the boys to be far more bitchy and snide than the girls ever were. The one thing I LOVED about the girls at that school is that they gave ZERO fucks about what anyone thought of them. And I loved hearing their stories of sex in the bus shelter by CineWorld (I think it was still the Empire back then or something) and how they would have underage sex with their 18 year old boyfriends in their Skodas after a long evening of driving up and down Ocean Road.

I used to get the odd frigid comment here and there for being in a relationship for the longest period of time in Mortimer Comprehensive history (3 months at the time) and still not going all the way despite the fact that I was still 14. Though, looking back, especially with all the paedophile stories in the news recently, it's actually kind of terrifying how open to sex we were, but the word 'slag' was only really used in passing, but never with true intent because we were just open about it all and we'd have a lot of smashed greenhouses if it was really meant.

The boys were really bitchy because they were always just trying to get into every girls pants, and I received frequent phone calls from a guy I was datings best friend, telling me how much of an arsehole he was in some desperate attempt to try to steal me from him, mind this all died down by year 10, when we all grew up.

But it does appear that while we all grew up, that there are a lot of sad pathetic individuals out there who are still living a shallow life of stunted adolescence. Where all they can do is say destructive comments in order to attempt to bring you down and make you feel bad about yourself.


What's hilarious too is the fact that you all slag each other off, to me.

Well grow up or fuck off because I'm not spending another year dealing with your childish bullshit.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Come Play... Phapping in the Office

I'm sat at work today waiting for the work to come in. It’s kind of nice really as it’s my first Sunday in a while where I'm not tearing my hair out being overloaded with work. Instead I have time to write, I could go through my uni notes and revise, but I'm already at work fuck sakes and I'm feeling just on that edge between wired and hung over and in this place it is very difficult to take in anything new.

As I sit here I think about last night, my friend got really sad because we were having a drinks party and her boyfriend went AWOL, apparently we’re not cool enough. I said a lot worse but I bloody well hope he’s not dead or I’d feel totes bad, but tbf that’s the only thing that could explain why he left. 

Either that or he’s just a penis.

I forgot what it was like to be in a bit of a weird relationship, she was so sad because he embarrassed her by saying he was going to go to the shops to get supplies and never came back. 

I’m sorry but it’s totally more, or equally at least, as embarrassing as to have a boyfriend on Facebook for 10 days, and then get Facebook dumped; in your twenties.

It’s funny when you’re more sad because of sheer humiliation than due to the loss, it just shows really how little it mattered.

Mind, these days I've realised, that smelly beards and greasy hair aren't that attractive anyway, and it’s hardly even alternative as everyone’s doing it. 

It won’t be long till the hipsters will be growing beards ‘ironically’.

But yeah, that’s all that’s really on my mind, aside from being in the workshop all next week, in my pure geet sexy overalls that has so many pockets it could star in its own porno. Marshall’s Aerospace logo n all. I think that might be fun, provided this hang over is fully shifted and I don’t end up drinking more tonight.

New year, Drunk me should be the saying.

 So far I have spent more time this year either hung over/inebriated than sober. Which is why I'm fat and covered in acne. 

On the upside I'm fucking hilarious, which is a requirement for the less physically fortunate portion of society.

Anyway, I should probably do some work, I wonder if I had a phap in the office if anyone would notice? 

Probably shouldn't, since I've written it on the internet.
