Friday 2 May 2014

Come play... With Bicycles!

As the days are starting to get a little longer and the Sun has began to show it's face I've decided that I no longer have an excuse and must consider a cheaper form of transport with me being ever-growingly skint due to tax issues and with the summer holls coming up.

So I've taken my bike out of my house, given it a good dusting down and braced myself for a world of pain with regards to getting back into shape. And if I'm honest, it's been nowhere near as bad as predicted. I've got more energy than I ever remember having, my legs are like steel and I've never been in better shape in my life! I thought cellulite was hereditary... turns out it is just a consequence of being a fat lazy git!

I've got even more time for other activities too (sleep)! As today I've just smashed my record and managed to cycle to work in 15 minutes. That's just shy of 5 miles! Not too bad for my only drive to push myself is being scared of being late for work. I find this works better than just having the sole goal of losing weight/building muscle mass/getting healthy, and I'm inherently lazy and these motives just do not apply. I need to get to work, having a great body is just a pleasant repercussion of this.

I also love finding myself passing several buses on my travels, especially when they're stuck in traffic and you can see the annoyance on the passengers faces, I used to be that person. Then I got a bike.

Also I have the privilege of eating cake for breakfast, pizza for lunch and pie for tea. A healthy diet very evidently comes second to exercise. I could eat healthier and probably have the body of a god within a month. But I wouldn't want to make everyone look bad.

The only negative effect cycling gives is an inflated ego. But it's one I'm willing to live with.

Get on yer bikes people! Or don't and be well jell of my amazing body ;)

I believe this is a good place to end.

Enjoy this amazing hit about a man who loves to ride his bike:

Byeeee xxx  

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