Monday 22 July 2013

Come play... With Bitterness.

Are you living your life to the fullest?

It’s said that youth is wasted on the young, and I cannot even begin to stress how relevant I think this point is to me. I feel that at 22 I’ve done nothing that I always wanted to do when I was young.

I wanted to spend my life on a boat, plane or bus, constantly travelling and absorbing all that the world had to offer. I’ve had the typical point of view taking the piss out of rich people going on their ‘gap yarrz’ and travelling to look at poor children and then eating their food and then believing themselves to be better than the rest of us because they’re ‘cultured’ or whatever.

All I can say is, you lucky bastards.

Another quote that has risen to mind is that good luck is bestowed on to those who probably deserve it least. I never knew elitism until I moved here, and it is genuinely disgusting. No I do not agree with ‘hoodlems’ beating up homeless people and ‘gangsters’ making drugs more accessible to children than even standard legal age-restricted drugs. There are people in the world that prey on the meek and the weak-minded… and they suck.

But I’m sorry but the next posh toff who decides it’s a good idea to rub their privileged lifestyles in my face will finally have justification for their expensive private healthcare insurance.

God I’ve turned bitter in my old age.

Someone get me on holiday. NOW.

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