Sunday 9 March 2014

Come play... by sleeping your way to the top?

I've recently come to a crashing halt in my enthusiasm for the current place of employment. After 10 months of relatively hard work (as hard as sitting in a call centre booking hotel rooms can be...) I have once again reached the absolute limit with how far I can grow in terms of experience and develop in terms of my skill set.

I am no longer being pushed and even the most complex of complaints are now a complete doddle to sort out and I am feeling stunted. As I have done in the past when I have reached the absolute maximum potential that a singular non-progressional role can provide. If anything my last job was far more intellectually stimulating as a small team of adolescents essentially ran the company from the customer service perspective.
How can I progress I wonder? I'm not usually one for gossip, well actually I am. I am human after all and anyone who says that they do not sercumb to the joys of hearing dirt on your peers are bare-faced liars. But anyway, I remember being told by senior members of staff when I started working there that they all worked their way up from the bottom, from where I was, it gave me hope and excitement to believe that with a little hard work I could truly work my way up within a company.

Turns out, allegedly, from a well-informed source. They shagged the MD's and were instantly promoted as some sort of penance for the dissolution of their families through being 'caught out!'.

What a load of fucking bollocks!

All I've learn't is that hardwork and dedication is ignored and opening your legs guarantees you a cushy job with a fancy title and an even fancier pay check. Meanwhile the company is going to shit while the middle and lower management are being taken for granted and are forced to do their dirty work and are picking up the pieces.

And what makes me more sad is the fact that women are still using their bodies in order to get up the career ladder, what message does that send to your daughters? How would you feel knowing that your daughter was the office bike? What the fuck was the point in the whole feminist movement when this is how we have to get ourselves to where we need to be?

Did the suffragettes fuck MPs in order to push through the right to vote? NO! They used their voices! They forced the world to listen! They were willing to put their lives on the line for what they believed in, equality.

And from that this is where we've ended up, I feel like crying for being so disappointed, the real world is a sad place, but I'd rather be poor forever than take a payout from a sleezebag in an expensive suit. Surely we deserve better? Surely the intellect of the modern woman should be valued over her ability to get both your cock and your balls in her mouth?

Very, very disappointed.

And if this is what the services industry as a whole is like then I will be sure to aim for a fucking 1st when I go back to uni, what baffles me is that I find myself teaching the managers how to use Excel and other basic microsoft programs. And then they make us do stupid CV and Interview workshops when clearly most would benefit more from some level 1 ICT classes. Considering the company is web-based you'd expect more.

Once again I've found myself stuck on yet another sinking ship, I've got to get out of here, my colleagues are some of the best people I've ever worked with and some of the greatest friends that I've made here. But after 18 months in customer service. Frankly. I'm sick of dealing with stupid people being stupid. Stupid customers, stupid hotels, stupid lies pouring out from the mouths of management to cover up the fact that the company is failing due to the reasons mentioned above.

I'm done with this bullshit.

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