Thursday, 10 December 2015

Come play… with Winnie's Lovely Labour-Fruits

It’s gotten to that time of year again, that big rush to get all the assignments finished up and getting into some hard-core revision in order to prep for the winter finals.

(Is there anyone else who has their mid-term exams before the winter holidays rather than after?)

And now I have found another reason to blog, one of the two only reasons, procrastination.

(The other is boredom, obviously)

And I cannot wait to get the next two weeks out of the way and then have three GLORIOUS weeks to breathe, get my notes together and enter the New Year prepared and fresh. Though, knowing me I’ll be hungover and hiding away from the world.

I haven’t been genuinely hungover in several months now. And it’s not due to lack of drinking, I’ve just gotten a little older and now understand why grown-ups feel the need to have a pint/glass of wine or two at the end of each day.

Because adult life it puwar shite. And I’m supposed to be a fucking student!

(Damn me wasting all my time drinking and clubbing in my late teens/early 20’s. I’m really suffering for it now playing catch up with my studies. -_-)

But fuck it, if there’s anyone who has a genuine interest in electronics and essay writing then please get in contact and I shall pay you in beer… or IOU’s for beer, redeemable upon my graduation and employment in a job that doesn’t include me waiting tables and listening to farmers complaining about the decreasing price of milk.

Now I guess I better get back to work… I keep a photograph of my Nan’s Christmas Dinner beautifully framed within my mind to help get me through this time, before I go I will quickly procrastinate further by creating a countdown clock for when I shall be sat at the dinner table awaiting fruits of her labour.

(Me Nan's lovely labour-fruits)

Tra for now kids!

Corky xx

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