Tuesday 18 June 2013

Come Play in A New Adventure!

As some of my friends may have been aware I was in a band for several years (or 2, for the truly olden days of 'The Funky Monkeys' in which I played the sax in 2006/07ish). I left my first love (Toronto Sun) to pursue a career in academia (moved home for uni). As I became bored with uni and subsequently failed, I have spent the last year essentially bumming around, working in various call centers as a stop-gap as I plan my next move.

Recently I decided to respond to several Ad's on ye' olde tree of gum and had a bloke get back to me with regards to a collaboration with a few musicians in the area. I sent him to my old Myspace as I have a track on there which was an acoustic track from my old band with just me and Adam on guitar and he said he liked my vocal style...

- side note, no one has ever said that, not even the members of my old band, so either he's a perv, or he's deaf, or he's a genius. I hope it is the latter ;).

... and wanted to do a jam session, so I thought, awesome! I heard some of his stuff, not all too much to my liking, it's good, but it's just maybe a little TOO indie for me, but these sessions are good to mold people and force people to play what you want!*

So I'm going along after work on the 23rd of June for our first jam session with this new 'band'. Things are about to become awesome once again...

In case you were curious to see how we "molded" Adam, please watch the following video, it is me miming humorously along to one of his proper crap songs:

Then watch this...


See you next time!

Love, Corky.


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