Thursday 20 June 2013

Come Play... With le Bombay.

Isn't it funny how most music we listen to these days is pretty standard, bouncy bouncy type tunes which may make you feel good, but have no lasting impression on you whatsoever? Then, through the pit of despair of which makes up the current music scene, a song will emerge which touches your heart and leaves a profound emotional footprint which you cannot shake and merely grows stronger with every play.

I found this song a while back if I'm honest, but I thought it would be worth mentioning even just to see if anyone else felt the same? Maybe everyone will have just a select few songs which makes them feel certain emotions which are specific to the individual, and no two people will feel identical after listening to it?

The song with which this entry regards to is a song called 'Leaving Blues' by Bombay Bicycle Club. The weird thing about this song is every time I listen to it I feel this intense sadness and homesickness which I could never have anticipated experiencing. The thing is, I left Newcastle, and my friends & family there, 2 years ago, so why do I miss them so much, now specifically? After all this time?

I've never felt true homesickness like this, it's strange, even when I left everything I knew in London and moved up north, I never felt this way. I feared leaving while I was still there, but after a long train journey up with all my belongings, and about 3 weeks sleep due to being drugged on oxygen, I had pretty much forgotten all about London, until I was 15/16 at least.

If anything, by writing this I feel a trend developing, it's as if after spending a few years away from where you came, you analyse your life and question as to why you left in the first place? I fought it when addressing this feeling first time round, as I felt like I was forced to leave London without a choice, I grew bitter with the situation despite knowing deep down it was the best decision that was ever made for me.

But now as this particular move was my choice and mine alone, I find myself torn between wanting to go back to Newcastle, back to my old life, when I was younger, my friends were all still around and I could handle my drink better; and the bright flashing lights of London and all the hope and success that I may find there. After being fine all this time, I'm struggling to be happy where I am, here in Manchester, despite the wonderful people I have met and have the privilege to call my friends & partner.

I guess history is just repeating itself, and I need to look into this a little more carefully to prevent repeated mistakes.

Well thank you very much Bombay Bicycle Club!

In case you hadn't yet heard this beautiful song, please check out the video below. It's truly moving.

Now your back's to the road

The waiting's everything you know

I'm sure you know that I'm leaving

Riding home everyday
Sure in a cinematic way
Breathing the smoke of the train
Keep the thought of you aflame
I'm sure you know that I'm leaving

Curse God for my regret
I miss you indefinite
Not once did I think that
Love would stay til I come back

Now your back's to the road
The waiting's everything you know
I'm sure you know that I'm leaving

Bye, until next time...

Corky xx

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