Tuesday 21 May 2013

Come Play with Materialistic Things.


I found that, since my late teens at least, I have become obsessed with materialism and all things sparkly and chic. I guess I could blame this on my old flatmate for introducing me to Sex and the City, aged 17. 

From there I decided that I wanted to become Carrie and move to New York and become awesome in whatever it was that I decided to pursue. It even got so bad that I would end relationships over extremely silly things as I yearned for the 'single girl' lifestyle, which in real life never came to fruition. I would just end up jumping into a new relationship within a few months and the cycle would continue. 

I always wanted to be the independent woman who went out for lunch every day and could sustain a luxurious lifestyle with very little effort and hard work. It's funny though because despite the fact that I wanted to live the idolised 'single, independent, glamorous' lifestyle depicted in the TV show; with mountains of designers, the latest one being more fabulous than the last, I never realised that, for 3 of the main characters at least, all they ever wanted deep down was to find 'true love'. 

I never understood really why the characters were never truly fulfilled despite their success and beautiful outfits and trinkets. It is only later that I realised that all these things are a show for the lack of personal achievement in their lives. It's what you wear that is important, not what you do.

After thinking about this I was in a little musical mood and wrote a song about it, it depicts the lack of emotional empathy with the way in which we obtain these items which give us a so-called pillar to stand on and therefore be the envy of our peers. 

It's written ironically just in case it upsets anyone. It's called Diamonds.

I see my reflection
In the Dior window
All I can see, is envy in me
Of who I would like to be.

Success it costs nothing
Except hard work and graft
But what is the use, any work I refuse
All I want are Jimmy Choos.

I want all things sparkling
I need all things glimmering
Beautiful diamond rings
These are my everything.

People die for these stones
This ensures their worth
I should feel bad, but I’m kind of glad
They’re the best love I’ve ever had.

Labels, designers
Sweatshops rule the land
But I do not care, just that they take care,
When sewing my brand new bag

I want all things sparkling,
I need all things glimmering
Beautiful diamond rings
These are my everything.

Ignorance is bliss,
Move out the homeless
Living in bubbleland
Where everything is grand

There is no poverty
All these things might as well be free
Cheating my way, into the next day
With nothing ever worrying me

I want all things sparkling,
I need all things glimmering
Beautiful diamond rings
These are my everything.

These are my everything.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Come Play with Less Stuff!

I have just completed a huge clear out in my room, as I am moving into a new house in July and with my new job I'll be working 6 days a week, now felt like the best time for a clear out.

Firstly I started small, my prioritising my letters and 'personal information'. I essentially threw away all my letters from the council for when I applied for JSA in 2011, I figured that I would no longer need this information and it piles up! I also threw out my old letters from student finance as I am no longer receiving funding from them and essentially a bunch of letters regarding income support which dated all the way back to 2008. Surely this stuff is not of importance to me anymore?

I then proceeded to throw out the remainder of my uni notes, all my engineering books and my open university guides. As I am no longer studying Engineering, nor will I ever be in the future, all this stuff was just a painful reminder of what a huge failure I am, so getting rid was hard as I was letting go of 4 years of my life, however as I am already signed up for a new course in September and now have a stable full-time job; letting go seemed like the best thing for me to do now.

I have never considered myself to be a hoarder, but it's amazing how much emotional baggage I have struggled to let go of. Now, my 'entire being' feels so much lighter from getting rid of all this stuff although I still feel emotionally drained going through all the things which made up my past.

It's funny, I still had the details of a social loan I took out in 2009, I moved into an unfurnished flat and needed to buy a bed and a desk, so I applied through the social fund as I was too young to take out a traditional loan. I paid it off 2 years ago, so why did I still have all the paperwork? How did I manage to trek it all the way down to Manchester with me? It's amazing the rubbish you think is important.

Aside from all that I also threw out a bunch of make-up and old toys and general rubbish. I shudder to think of the sheer amount of money I have wasted on useless trinkets over the years. To be able to clear out efficiently, you really need to think about what you need to use on a daily basis, what you need to use on a weekly/monthly basis and if there is anything that you use less often than this, you just need to chuck it out.

It's funny, throwing away a bunch of old textbooks reminded me of the same feeling of ripping a cigarette apart when I quit. Try it! It's pretty awesome.

Here's another blog which literally labels each reason why throwing all your stuff out is super sweet! Check it out!

Why You Should…Throw Away Your Stuff


Saturday 11 May 2013

Come Play with TheOnlyLuca

Hey guys! 

I've had a couple of really busy days recently and have spent most of my nights trawling around YouTube to find new interesting people to watch other than just makeup tutorials and Shane Dawson :P

On my online jaunts I literally came across this chick that goes by the name of TheOnlyLuca.

I've noticed every video that I've seen of hers generally has more likes than dislikes. Are they worthy of so much hate? No, I didn't think so, if anything I find them amusing, I love how she constantly gets her boobs out online, all the girls did at school and nobody hated on them, yet if it’s on the internet then it’s all of a sudden a huge problem?

I love how on one of them she made a very valid point, “It’s ok to get my tits out as long as you learn something” and by that I’m guessing she’s referencing the great lacigreen, as she wears low cut tops in just about every video she has ever done, does she somehow do it more tastefully than others, I mean, how can you tastefully wear a low cut top?

At this day and age when has it ever been considered distasteful to wear one? Surely someone could help me come to a conclusion because frankly, I just don’t see the problem.

If anything I think TheOnlyLuca is probably a lot more intelligent than people give her credit for. But then again what do I know?

I have included a video of Luca’s below for those who have not heard of her, what are your thoughts?

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Come Play in Manchester.

Today was spent with a lovely young man enjoying the sights of Manchester on this most beautiful of days.

We roamed the streets armed with a frappe in hand and minds ready to create new memories.

We accidentally ended up in the town hall where we played a little game of guess the scientist. This essentially involved us guessing the name of the scientist on each plaque, being an engineer, he won.

From there I insisted that I be photographed by the water fountain in typical tourist style. I hadn't seen this city look so beautiful and therefore decided that was reason enough for it to be documented visually for all time.

After a day of fun and games it inspired me to write a song dedicated to this stunning city.

Manchester, Manchester
Raise your weary head,
Play with me

Summer sun has finally come,

Open your eyes,
Clear blue skies,

Come out to play with me today,

The water from the fountains
In the sun.

Manchester, Manchester
Fond memories,
Of days like these.

So I sing a song of love
For Manchester,

So I sing this song of love
For Manchester.
